Love Your Breasts, Inc is an organization dedicated to educating and heighten awareness of breast cancer and other cancers in our communities with emphasis on minorities. To provide basic health information, overall wellness tips and support services through monthly cancer support groups, Look Good Feel Better programs, monthly newsletters and Facebook health tips Monday-Friday.
You may be hesitant to join a cancer support group. You may doubt a group can help you or you are wondering if you can talk with strangers about your feelings. Research has shown that individuals with cancer and cancer survivors often share a special bond, and those in groups live longer. After joining a support group members later expressed regrets in delay to join a group as sessions reduced their feeling of stress and isolation. Members realized they had increased feelings of hope, well being and expanded knowledge of their disease. While each person's relationship with cancer is unique, we can offer each other emotional support in sharing our experience and feelings.
Cancer Support Group
Angela Darling, M.S., RN, Survivor and advocate, facilitates a monthly awareness and education group. This meeting is a networking forum for books, information and resources. This group meets the second Saturday of every month. Join us for a heartwarming and educational discussion that will leave you feeling nurtured and empowered.
New Participants may start at any time. Call 718-231-5746 for more information.
The "Look Good, Feel Better" Program
Free!!!! A Cancer Support Group designed for women and teenage girls experiencing appearance related side effects of cancer treatment.
This program focuses on:
Improving self image
Improving self esteem
Skin care tips
Beauty tips and makeup application
Wig care, head wraps, etc...
Health tips, diet and exercise, etc...
Massage therapist available(participants must provide a note of clearance from MD)
Women will leave with a gift bag of cosmetic items, a wig or head wrap, or whatever is identified as their special need.
North Bronx Development Center
(National Council of Negro Women)
4035 White Plains Road
Bronx, NY 10466
Between 227th and 228th street, down stairs level
Space is limited so please call 718-231-5746.